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 Spring 2008 All Online Classes


Online Faculty soco-Spring 2008 How to Login Description of Classes  Past Classes  




3395  Biology 33 - Medical Terminology  - Prof. Wakana Saeki, M.D. – Tel. 818-364-7744 – email: saekiw@lamission.edu – webpage: http://www.lamission.edu/lifesciences/saeki - ** please note** - a mid-term and final will be administered on campus, and students are required to take the mid-term and final on campus only. date available in the syllabus. PORTAL - http://etudes-ng.fhda.edu/portal





0115 Business 1 - Introduction to Business - Prof. Vilma Bernal - 818-833- 3410 - bernalva@lamission.edu - http://lamission.edu/business/bernal - where to login: - http://etudes-ng.fhda.edu/portal  -  syllabus - how to login: http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/howto


3224 Business 1 - Introduction to Business - Hybrid (On Campus/Internet) - 5:30 -6:50 pm Mondays - CSB 203 - Meeting Dates: 2/11,2/25,3/10,3/31, 4/8,4/22, 5/5,5/19 -  Prof. Vilma Bernal - 818-833- 3410 - bernalva@lamission.edu - http://lamission.edu/business/bernal - syllabus - where to login: - http://etudes-ng.fhda.edu/portal  -  how to login: http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/howto

Business - Management


0123 Business Management 2 - Organization and Management Theory - Prof. Vilma Bernal - 818-833- 3410 - bernalva@lamission.edu - http://lamission.edu/business/bernal - syllabus - where to login: - http://etudes-ng.fhda.edu/portal  -  how to login: http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/howto


0124 Business Management 13 - Small Business Entrepeneurship - Prof. Vilma Bernal - 818-833- 3410 - bernalva@lamission.edu - http://lamission.edu/business/bernal - syllabus - where to login: - http://etudes-ng.fhda.edu/portal  -  how to login: http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/howto


0358 Business Management 33 - Personnel Managment - Prof. Vilma Bernal - 818-833- 3410 - bernalva@lamission.edu - http://lamission.edu/business/bernal - syllabus - where to login: - http://etudes-ng.fhda.edu/portal  -  how to login: http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/howto  



Business - Marketing - hybrid (on campus/internet)


3077 Business Marketing 21 - Principles of Marketing -  Hybrid (On Campus/Internet) - syllabus - 5:30 pm - 6:50 pm Tuesday - Bung 6, Meeting dates: 2/12,2/26,3/11,4/1,4/9,4/23, 5/6,5/20 - Prof. Vilma Bernal - 818-833- 3410 - bernalva@lamission.edu - http://lamission.edu/business/bernal -  On campus: 3:45 pm - 6:50 pm Monday & Wednesday - CSB 205 & Internet - where to login: - http://etudes-ng.fhda.edu/portal  -  how to login: http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/howto


Chicano Studies


0128 Chicano Studies 7 - The Mexican-American in the History of the United States I -

Prof. John Morales - moralejj@lamission.edu - profetk2@yahoo.com - phone: 818-364-7679 - where to login:  http://moodle.lamission.edu

how to login: http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/howto


3144  Chicano Studies 7 - The Mexican-American in the History of the United States I - Hybrid (On Campus/Internet) - 7 - 8:30 pm Weds. - CSB 105 -  - Prof. Edgar Gutierrez - gutiereo@lamission.edu - 562-201-9664 PORTAL - http://moodle.lamission.edu

how to login: http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/howto


3146 Chicano Studies 8 The Mexican-American in the History of the United States II - Hybrid (On Campus/Internet) - 7 - 8:30 pm Mondays - CSB 203 -  - Prof. Edgar Gutierrez - gutiereo@lamission.edu - 562-201-9664 PORTAL - http://moodle.lamission.edu

how to login: http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/howto


0133 - Chicano 37 - Chicano Literature - Prof. John Morales - moralejj@lamission.edu - profetk2@yahoo.com - phone: 818-364-7679 - where to login:  http://moodle.lamission.edu

how to login: http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/howto

Child Development


0437 - Child Development 1 - Child Growth and Develoment - Prof. Belinda Hammond - belinda_hammond@verizon.net - PORTAL: http://coursecompass.com - voicemail - (805) 637-1039 -

how to login: http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/howto


0440 - Child Development 1 - Child Growth and Develoment - Prof. Belinda Hammond - belinda_hammond@verizon.net - PORTAL: http://coursecompass.com - voicemail - (805) 637-1039 -

how to login: http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/howto


Computer Science


0148  CSIT 401 - Introduction to Computers - Prof. Mark Lampert - email - online401@sbcglobal.net - 818-947-2614 - PORTAL - http://etudes-ng.fhda.edu - Syllabus

English - PACE


6511 - English 28 - Intermediate Reading and Comprehension Prof. Jeremy Hight - email: jjhight1@yahoo.com


6542 - English 101 - College Reading and Comprehension -  Prof. Noreen Lacy - NLace83877@aol.com - Class ID#TBA  system: http://coursecompass.com - hybrid class - meets on Saturdays -


6512  - English 102 - College Reading and Comprehension II - Prof. Sheryl Thompson - email: sheryl.thompson@csun.edu- phone: contact information - course schedule: http://www.csun.edu/~vfoao0hb/english28w2008schedule.html -  portal: http://www.csun.edu/~vfoao0hb/english28w08.html


Family & Consumer Studies


0375 Nutrition  FCS 021 - Nutrition - Prof. Sue Shaw - email - sueshawla@gmail.com - phone (818)640-3717 (cell) - webpage http://professorshaw.pbwiki.com/ - where to login: http://moodle.lamission.edu -  how to login: http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/howto


0403 Modified Diets - Prof. J. Berg - email:jb4food@roadrunner.com

Food Sevice Management


0222 - Sanitation and Safety - FSM 050 - Prof. Kurt Struwe - email - kurtstruwe@sbcglobal.net - phone - 310-570-0711 - how to login: http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/howto -  where to login:  - http://etudes-ng.fhda.edu


0800 - Hospitality - FSM 100 - Prof. Kurt Struwe - email - kurtstruwe@sbcglobal.net - phone - 310-570-0711 - how to login: http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/howto -  where to login:  - http://etudes-ng.fhda.edu


0382 - Internship - Food Service Management -  Prof. Sandi Lampert - email: sandilampert@sbcglobal.net - phone - 818-364-7696 - PORTAL: http://moodle.lamission.edu



0116 - Health 11 - Principles of Healthful Living - Prof. Dan McBfide - email:  danmcbride@lafn.org - (323) 265-8910 voice (323) 265-8909 fax - where to login: - http://etudes-ng.fhda.edu/portal  -  how to login: http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/howto   



0243 - History 11 - Political and Social History of the United States I - Prof. Richard Sennet - email: rsennet@hotmail.com - phone - 818-364-7600 Ext. 4394 (voicemail) - how to login: http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/howto   where to login: http://etudes-ng.fhda.edu


0271 - History 11 - Political and Social History of the United States I - Prof. Andrew Cramer - Prof. Andrew Cramer - 818-364-7600 ext. 4175 - acramer1969@yahoo.com - PORTAL: http://etudes-ng.fhda.edu


0105 - History 12 - Political and Social History of the United States II - Ron Behling - behlingr@aol.com phone - 310-470-6041 - webpage - portal" htto://coursecompass.com - how to login:http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/howto - http://lamchistory12.pbwiki.com/


0380 - History 86 - Introduction to World Civilization I - Prof. Andrew Cramer - 14 week class - starts 3/3/2008, Ends 6/2/2008 - Prof. Andrew Cramer - 818-364-7600 ext. 4175 - acramer1969@yahoo.com - PORTAL: http://etudes-ng.fhda.edu

Interior Design


0436 - Internship - Interior Design -  Prof. Sandi Lampert - email: sandilampert@sbcglobal.net - phone - 818-364-7696 - PORTAL: http://moodle.lamission.edu



3081 Law 1 - Business Law 1David Jordan  - Hybrid (On Campus/Internet) - 7-8:30 pm Weds. LRC 205 - http://lamission.edu/law - webpagehttp://moodle.lamission.edu - http://1moodle.pbwiki.com


0254  Law 2 - Partnerships and Corporations  - Barry Morinaka - Online - http://lamission.edu/law - webpage - http://moodle.lamission.edu - http://1moodle.pbwiki.com


3235   Law 10 - Introduction to Law - Intro to Legal Assistant I David Jordan - Hybrid (On campus/Internet) - 5:15 - 6:40 pm - Weds. - CSB 203 - http://lamission.edu/law - webpage - http://moodle.lamission.edu - http://1moodle.pbwiki.com


0337  Law 11- Civil Litigation - Manny Rose - http://lamission.edu/law - webpage - http://moodle.lamission.edu - http://1moodle.pbwiki.com


0376   Law 11- Civil Litigation - Intro to Legal Assistant II -  Jon Jackman - Hybrid (On Campus/Internet) - 8 - 9:25 am Saturday - CSB 201 - webpage - http://moodle.lamission.edu - http://1moodle.pbwiki.com


0289 Law 12 - Torts - Adam Telanoff  - Online - http://lamission.edu/law - webpage - http://moodle.lamission.edu - http://1moodle.pbwiki.com


3130 Law 12 - Torts - Alberto Gudino - Hybrid (On Campus/Internet) - 5:15 -6:40 pm - Thursdays - Bung. 6 - http://lamission.edu/law - webpage - http://moodle.lamission.edu - http://1moodle.pbwiki.com


0125  Law 16 - Criminal & Civil Evidence - David Jordan - Online - http://lamission.edu/law - webpage - http://moodle.lamission.edu - http://1moodle.pbwiki.com


0339  Law 17 - Legal Writing - David Jordan - Online - http://lamission.edu/law - webpage - http://moodle.lamission.edu - http://1moodle.pbwiki.com


0415  Law 18 - Marriage and Family Law - David Jordan - Online - http://lamission.edu/law - webpage - http://moodle.lamission.edu - http://1moodle.pbwiki.com


0257 Law 19 - Property & Creditor Rights - Richard Walker - Online - http://lamission.edu/law - webpage - http://moodle.lamission.edu - http://1moodle.pbwiki.com


0255  Law 20- Basic Probate Procedures - Elise Lampert - Online - http://lamission.edu/law - webpage - http://moodle.lamission.edu - http://1moodle.pbwiki.com


0258 Law 34 - Legal Research - David Jordan - Online  - http://lamission.edu/law - webpage - http://moodle.lamission.edu - http://1moodle.pbwiki.com



7824 Philosophy 6- Logic in Practice - Prof. David Dyas - email: david@daviddyas.com - how to login: http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/howto - Course link: http://www.coursecompass.com - Faculty id: TBA  class zip code: 91342 - phone - (818) 364-7600 EXT 4213

Required textbook- A First Course in Logic- Carter w/course compass access code


0301 Philosophy 33 - Comparative Survey of World Religions - Prof. Doug McFerran - email: dmcf34@yahoo.com - phone - 818-364-7710 (at Mission College) - webpage: http://internetlogic.org

Political Science


0304 - Pol 1 - The Government of the United States - 14 week class, starts 3/3/2008 - Ends 6/2/2008 - Prof. Som Chounlamountry - email: chounlam@usc.edu - phone: 818-364-7600 Ext. 4149 - how to login: http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/howto  where to login: - http://etudes-ng.fhda.edu/portal


0323 - Pol 7 - Contemporary World Affairs - Prof. Som Chounlamountry - email: chounlam@usc.edu - phone: 818-364-7600 Ext. 4149 - how to login: http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/howto  where to login: - http://etudes-ng.fhda.edu/portal




0106 - Psychology 1 - General Psychology - Prof. Chante Rogers - email: chante427@yahoo.com - phone: (818) 364-7600 ext 5146 - how to login: http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/howto  where to logiin: http://coursecompass.com


0197 - Psychology 1 - General Psychology - 14 week class - starts 3/3/2008, ends 6/2/2008 - Prof. Chante Rogers - email: chante427@yahoo.com - phone: (818) 364-7600 ext 5146 - how to login: http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/howto  where to logiin: http://coursecompass.com




0416 Sociology 1 - Introduction to Sociology - Prof. Jill Biondo - email: jillb9191@yahoo.com - phone: 818-364-7600 - ext. 4212 - how to login: http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/howto where to logn: : http://coursecompass.comm


0417 Sociology 1 - Introduction to Sociology - 14 week class, starts 3/3/2008, ends 6/2/2008 - Prof. Virginia Layne - email: proflayne@yahoo.com - phone - 818-364-7600 ext. 4217 - how to login: http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/howto where to login: http://coursecompass.com 


0355  Sociology 2 - American Social Problems - Prof. Jill Biondo - email: jillb9191@yahoo.com - phone: 818-364-7600 - ext. 4212 - how to login: http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/howto where to logn: : http://coursecompass.comm


0397 Sociology 3 - Crime and Delinquency -  Prof. Virginia Layne - email: proflayne@yahoo.com - phone - 818-364-7600 ext. 4217 - how to login: http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/howto where to login: http://coursecompass.com 


0404 Sociology 4 - Sociological Analysis - Prof. Dominic Little - email: dominic.little@csun.edu - phone - (818) 677- 2052 -  how to login: http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/howto  where to login: http://coursecompass.com






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