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Saved by abogado
on July 24, 2013 at 9:46:09 pm

Welcome to Online and Hybrid Classes at Mission College - Online@Mission


Check Online Classes


new students - current students


Step 1 - Find your Class


To get to your online class follow these steps:

  1. go first to the main College webpage - http://www.lamission.edu/
  2. click on "online classes" - http://www.lamission.edu/online
  3. Check to see if your class is online and contact information for your instructor  
  4. Login to your etudes class and read information on etudes 
  5. if you are having problems logging in - make certain you are registered for the class - go to the Student Information System - http://www.laccd.edu/student_information/sis_logon.asp
  6. if you are still having problems logging into etudes contact (Prof J.) at 818-415-2015 or email - onlinemission@gmail.com

Step 2- Login to your class


Step 3 - See if you are ready for an online class


  • take this sample online assessment to see if you are ready - http://www.alt.usg.edu/sort/
  • answer these motivational questions about taking your classes - Your Motivation
  • take these two surveys, one on technical skills and one on student skills to see if you are ready to learn online - click here


the above information is also located at http://missiononline.pbwiki.com


updated: 7/24/13



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