Welcome to Online and Hybrid Classes at Mission College - Online@Mission
Step 1 - Find your Class
To get to your online class follow these steps:
- go first to the main College webpage - http://www.lamission.edu/
- click on "online classes" - http://www.lamission.edu/online
- Check to see who is your online instructor and which course management system is used in your online class.
- If it is a moodle class, then login at http://moodle.lamission.edu (username = your student ID (881234567) password =monthday of birth). If it is eCollege/mylabsplus, then login at plus.com ( username = your student ID (881234567), password = password (change it once you login). Contact your online instructor for additional information - http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/faculty
- if you are having problems logging in - make certain you are registered for the class - go to the Student Information System - http://www.laccd.edu/student_information/sis_logon.asp
- if you are still having problems logging into moodle contact (Prof J.) at 818-415-2015 or email - onlinemission@gmail.com . If you have problems with eCollege/mylabsplus cont Prof. Myriam Levy @proflevymm@hotmail.com
Step 2- Login to your class
Step 3 - See if you are ready for an online class
- take this sample online assessment to see if you are ready - http://www.alt.usg.edu/sort/
- answer these motivational questions about taking your classes - Your Motivation
- take these two surveys, one on technical skills and one on student skills to see if you are ready to learn online - click here
the above information is also located at http://missiononline.pbwiki.com
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