Welcome to Online and Hybrid Classes at Mission College - Online@Mission
new students - current students
Step 1 - Find your Class
To get to your online class follow these steps:
- go first to the main College webpage - http://www.lamission.edu/
- click on "online classes" - http://www.lamission.edu/online
- Check to see if your class is online and contact information for your instructor
- Login to your etudes class and read information on etudes
- if you are having problems logging in - make certain you are registered for the class - go to the Student Information System - http://www.laccd.edu/student_information/sis_logon.asp
- if you are still having problems logging into etudes contact (Prof J.) at 818-415-2015 or email - onlinemission@gmail.com .
Step 2- Login to your class
Step 3 - See if you are ready for an online class
- take this sample online assessment to see if you are ready - http://www.alt.usg.edu/sort/
- answer these motivational questions about taking your classes - Your Motivation
- take these two surveys, one on technical skills and one on student skills to see if you are ready to learn online - click here
the above information is also located at http://missiononline.pbwiki.com
Technical Support - Phone: 818- 415- 2015 (cell) - (not 24/7) - 818-364-7720 - (campus - leave message) - E-mail: click here
Etudes ITV Multimedia Specialist for Faculty
click below to login to Etudes

reset your passcode if you have problems logging in
still cannot login? - Request update of your etudes account
Call Help Desk (not 24/7) - 818-415-2015
Login ID |
Password |
Your Student ID
(eg. 881234567) - no dashes - no spaces
MonthDay of birth in school records
Birthday is April 11th, 1982 (04/11/82)
Password = 0411
for first login then you will set up a more secure password
Etudes Help Desk

Watch Etudes - tutorial
Etudes Pilot Project
(for Faculty)
Student Services & Support
Orientation - Get Going
new students - current students
Reasonable Accommodations:
It is the policy of the Los Angeles Community College District ( LACCD) and Los Angeles Mission College to accommodate students with disabilities, pursuant to federal law, state law and Los Angeles Mission College’s commitment to equal educational access. Any student with a disability who needs accommodations, please contact the Disabled Students Programs (DSP&S) phone number 818-964-7732 or TDD 818-364-7861 to discuss the steps you will need to take to arrange for classroom accommodations . You may also email DSPS at gonzala@lamission.edu (Adrian Gonzalez) DSSPS office provides special assistance in areas
like: registering for courses, specialized tutoring, note-taking, mobility assistance, special instruction, testing assistance, special equipment, special materials, and the like.
new student email
Welcome to the Online and Hybrid Classes at Mission College
Often students work full or part time jobs while going to college so their time is valuable. Online classes provide flexibility, convenience, and 24/7/365 education. It also provides independent learning, accommodates different learning styles, teaches you to be self-disciplined, and gives you the same great faculty from Mission College. Online courses bring education right to your home.
Save time spent in traffic and invest it in your education. You can study from anywhere in the world. In an online environment, you are empowered to learn from others in your class. You can make intelligent and thoughtful contributions to discussions online.
You can read and review lecture notes as often as you want, interact within your courseware at any time, and you have the ability to send your professor questions at your convenience.Are you ready to take an online class. Take the technical and student skills surveys provided by Cerro Coso College.
Los Angeles Mission College. All rights reserved. - 13356 Eldridge Avenue, Sylmar, CA 91342. 818
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