

Page history last edited by abogado 15 years, 5 months ago


Fall 2008 Online & Hybrid Classes

Welcome to Online and Hybrid Classes at Mission College - lamission.edu/online

Classes Fall-2008 Online Faculty Summer-2008 Spring-2008  past classes Winter-2008 Fall 2007 Spring 2007 Summer 2007 how to login    

How to Login to your Online Class


1. Check List of Online classes 

2. Check the Status of Classes to see if the class is open or full 

3. Scroll down and find the class, and see which course management system (cms) or portal it uses

4. At Mission your class will use one, and only one of the below cms or portals

5. Read how to login to each cms or portal

6. If you have problems contact our Help Desk at 818-415-2015

Course Management Systems (CMS) or Portals


PACE Hybrid Classes - Late Start 10-27-08


6553 - Business 5 - Business Law - Prof. Barry Morinaka - class website - http://moodle.lamission.edu/course/view.php?id=354 - see Bus 5 syllabus - how to login: http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/howto

6555  - History 86 -  Prof. Andrew Cramer -   Email: acramer1969@yahoo.com - Course link: www.coursecompass.com - Course ID#: cramer48354   - Zip Code: 91342 - Faculty phone number- (818) 364-7600 EXT 4175 - Required textbook-   ú   Edgar, Robert, et al. Civilizations Past & Present, Vol. 1, 12TH ed - A LA CARTE Allyn & Bacon/Longman, 2008.  ISBN# 0-205-57375-4 -***INSTRUCTORS NOTE***  Make sure you get a MyHistoryLab Course Compass with eBook Student Access Code Card along with your book purchase - see syllabus for History 86


6567- English 101 - Prof. Jeremy Hight - email - jjhight1@yahoo.com -  where to login: - http://etudes-ng.fhda.edu/portal -   how to login: http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/howto


0398  Biology 33 - Medical Terminology  - Prof. Wakana Saeki, M.D. – Tel. 818-364-7744 – email: saekiw@lamission.edu – webpage: http://www.lamission.edu/lifesciences/saeki - ** please note** - a mid-term and final will be administered on campus, and students are required to take the mid-term and final on campus only. date available in the syllabus.  how to login to etudes ng - PORTAL - http://etudes-ng.fhda.edu/portal




0119 Business 1 - Introduction to Business - Prof. Vilma Bernal - 818-833- 3410 - bernalva@lamission.edu - http://lamission.edu/business/bernal - where to login: - http://etudes-ng.fhda.edu/portal - syllabushow to login to etudes ng


3119 Business 1 - Introduction to Business - Prof. Vilma Bernal - 818-833- 3410 - bernalva@lamission.edu - http://lamission.edu/business/bernal - how to login to etudes ng - where to login: - http://etudes-ng.fhda.edu/portal - syllabus - how to login: http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/howto 

Business - Management


0334 Business Management 2 - Organization and Management Theory - Prof. Vilma Bernal - 818-833- 3410 - bernalva@lamission.edu - http://lamission.edu/business/bernal - syllabus - where to login: - http://etudes-ng.fhda.edu/portal - how to login to etudes ng


0129 Business Management 13 - Small Business Entrepeneurship - Prof. Vilma Bernal - 818-833- 3410 - bernalva@lamission.edu - http://lamission.edu/business/bernal - syllabus - where to login: - http://etudes-ng.fhda.edu/portal - how to login to etudes ng


0337 Business Management 33 - Personnel Managment - Prof. Vilma Bernal - 818-833- 3410 - bernalva@lamission.edu - http://lamission.edu/business/bernal - syllabus - where to login: - http://etudes-ng.fhda.edu/portalhow to login to etudes ng

Business - Marketing


0248 Business Marketing 21 - Principles of Marketing syllabus  - Prof. Vilma Bernal - 818-833- 3410 - bernalva@lamission.edu - http://lamission.edu/business/bernal -  where to login: - http://etudes-ng.fhda.edu/portal -   how to login to etudes ng

Chicano Studies


0120 - Chicano 2 – The Mexican American in Contemporary Society - Prof. Jose Maldonado - (UC:CSU) (3 Units) - system: Moodle - login - course description - email: maldonja@lamission.edu phone: (818) 833-3412Prof. Jose A. Maldonado 


0367 - Chicano 2 – The Mexican American in Contemporary Society - Prof. - TBA - (UC:CSU) (3 Units) - system: Moodle - login - course description - email: maldonja@lamission.edu phone: (818) 833-3412Prof. Jose A. Maldonado 


0132 Chicano 7 - The Mexican-American in the History of the United States I -

Prof. John Morales - moralejj@lamission.edu - profetk2@yahoo.com - phone: 818-364-7679 - where to login: http://moodle.lamission.edu

how to login: http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/howto


0271 - Chicano 37 - Chicano Literature - Prof. John Morales - moralejj@lamission.edu - profetk2@yahoo.com - phone: 818-364-7679 - where to login: http://moodle.lamission.edu - how to login: http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/howto


0272 - Chicano 37 - Chicano Literature - Prof. Jose A. Maldonado - email: maldonja@lamission.edu phone: (818) 833-3412Prof. Jose A. Maldonado - where to login: http://moodle.lamission.edu - how to login: http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/howto


3089 - Chicano 37 - Chicano Literature - Prof. Edgar O Gutierrez - gutiereo@lamission.edu - 562-201-9664 - where to login: http://moodle.lamission.edu - how to login: http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/howto


3091 - Chicano 37 - Chicano Literature - Prof. Edgar O Gutierrez - gutiereo@lamission.edu - 562-201-9664 - where to login: http://moodle.lamission.edu - how to login: http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/howto

Child Development


0100 - Child Development 1 - Child Growth and Develoment - Prof. Belinda Hammond - belinda_hammond@verizon.net - PORTAL: http://coursecompass.com - Course ID: hammond46568 zip code: 91342  voicemail - (805) 637-1039 - login -http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/howto


0122 - Child Development 1 - Child Growth and Develoment - Prof. Belinda Hammond - belinda_hammond@verizon.net - PORTAL: http://coursecompass.com - Course ID: hammond11108 zip code: 91342  voicemail - (805) 637-1039 - login - http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/howto

Computer Science


0156 CSIT 401 - Introduction to Computers - Prof. Robert Kemmerer - email: online401@hotmail.com - course portal: etudes ng - http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/howto 

English - PACE - Hybrid Classes



6581 - English 28 - Intermediate Reading and Comprehension - Prof. Noreen Lace - email : Prof. Noreen Lacy - NLace83877@aol.com - Class ID#TBA system:http://coursecompass.com - hybrid class - meets on Saturdays -


6573 - English 101 - College Reading and Comprehension - Prof. Jeremy Hight - email:jhight1@yahoo.com - PACE - hybrid class - meets on Saturdays - check schedule  - 8am - 12 pm Saturday, Inst. 1002 - course portal: etudes ng - http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/howto  

Famiily & Consumer Studies


0232 Nutrition FCS 021 - Nutrition - Prof. Sue Shaw - email - sueshawla@gmail.com - phone (818)640-3717 (cell) - webpage http://professorshaw.pbwiki.com/ - where to login:http://moodle.lamission.edu - how to login:http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/howto

Food Service Management


0235 - Sanitation and Safety - FSM 050 - Prof. Kurt Struwe - email - kurtstruwe@sbcglobal.net - phone - 310-570-0711 - how to login to etudes ng - where to login: - http://etudes-ng.fhda.edu


0283 - Hospitality - FSM 100 - Prof. Kurt Struwe - email - kurtstruwe@sbcglobal.net - phone - 310-570-0711 - how to login to etudes ng - syllabus - where to login: - http://etudes-ng.fhda.edu


0241 - Internship - Food Service Management - Prof. Sandi Lampert - email:sandilampert@sbcglobal.net- phone - 818-364-7696 - PORTAL: http://moodle.lamission.edu



0210 - Health 11 - Principles of Healthful Living - Prof. Dan Mcbride - how to login to etudes ng -  login to class:  http://etudes-ng.fhda.edu -  email: danmcbride@lafn.org - phone - (323) 265-8910



0257 - History 1 – Introduction To Western Civilization - Prof. Andrew Cramer - Email: acramer1969@yahoo.com - Course link: www.coursecompass.com - Course ID#: cramer16516   - Zip Code: 91342 - Faculty phone number- (818) 364-7600 EXT 4175 - Required textbook-  Civilization in the West, Vol. 1, MyHistoryLab 7/e by Mark Kishlansky , Patrick Geary and Patricia O'Brien


0413 - History 11 - Political and Social History of the United States I - Prof. Richard Sennet - email: sennetra@lamission.edursennet@hotmail.com - phone - 818-364-7600 Ext. 4394 (voicemail) - how to login to etudes ng Required textbook- The American Nation, Volume1, 13th edition by Carnes - where to login: http://etudes-ng.fhda.edu


0414 - History 11 - Political and Social History of the United States I -  Prof. Ron Behling - Email: behlingre@hotmail.com - Course Id#: behling76023 Zip Code: 91342 - Faculty phone number- (818) 364-7600 EXT 4157 - Required textbook- The American Nation, Volume1, 13th edition with course compass access code by Carnes


0240 - History 12 - Political and Social History of the United States II -  Prof. Gary Roleder - Email: garro11@yahoo.com - how to login to etudes ng - Course link: http://etudes-ng.fhda.edu/portal - Faculty phone number- (818) 364-7600 EXT 7153 - Required textbook-  The American Nation, Volume 2, 13th edition- Carnes



0168 Law 1 - Business Law 1 - Prof. David David Jordan - email: abogado@pacbell.net = phone - 818-415-2015 (cell) Late Start - 11 weeks - Starts, 10/06-08 - http://lamission.edu/law - webpage - http://moodle.lamission.edu - http://1moodle.pbwiki.com


3013 Law 1 - Business Law 1 - Prof. David David Jordan - hybrid - on campus/internet - Weds Evenings - 7 - 8:30 pm - CSB 101 - email: abogado@pacbell.net = phone - 818-415-2015 (cell)  - http://lamission.edu/law - webpage - http://moodle.lamission.edu - http://1moodle.pbwiki.com   


0265 Law 2 - Partnerships and Corporations - Prof. Barry Morinaka - Online - http://lamission.edu/law - webpage - http://moodle.lamission.edu - http://1moodle.pbwiki.com


0157 Law 10 - Introduction to Law - Intro to Legal Assistant I - Prof. Jon Jackman - Online - http://lamission.edu/law - webpage - http://moodle.lamission.edu - http://1moodle.pbwiki.com


3405 Law 10 - Introduction to Law - Intro to Legal Assistant I - Prof. David Jordan - hybrid - on campus/internet - Weds. 5:15 - 6:40 pm - CSB 207 - http://lamission.edu/law - webpage - http://moodle.lamission.edu - http://1moodle.pbwiki.com


0167 Law 11- Civil Litigation - Prof. Manny Rose - http://lamission.edu/law - webpage - http://moodle.lamission.edu - http://1moodle.pbwiki.com


0355 Law 12 - Torts - Prof. Carol Kellogg - Online - http://lamission.edu/law - webpage - http://moodle.lamission.edu - http://1moodle.pbwiki.com


0356  Law 13 - Wills, Trusts, And Probate Administration - Prof. Elise Lampert - Online - http://lamission.edu/law - webpage - http://moodle.lamission.edu - http://1moodle.pbwiki.com


0363  Law 16 - Criminal & Civil Evidence - Prof. Adam Telanoff - Online - http://lamission.edu/law - webpage - http://moodle.lamission.edu - http://1moodle.pbwiki.com


0368 Law 17 - Legal Writing - Prof. David Jordan - Online - http://lamission.edu/law - webpage - http://moodle.lamission.edu - http://1moodle.pbwiki.com


0376 Law 18 - Marriage and Family Law - Prof. David Jordan - Online - http://lamission.edu/law - webpage - http://moodle.lamission.edu - http://1moodle.pbwiki.com


0261 Law 19 - Property & Creditor Rights - Prof. Richard Walker - Online - http://lamission.edu/law - webpage - http://moodle.lamission.edu - http://1moodle.pbwiki.com


0258  Law 20 - Basic Probate Procedures - Prof. Elise Lampert - Online - http://lamission.edu/law - webpage - http://moodle.lamission.edu - http://1moodle.pbwiki.com


0354  Law 34 - Legal Research - Prof. David Jordan - Online - http://lamission.edu/law - webpage - http://moodle.lamission.edu - http://1moodle.pbwiki.com



0106 Philosophy 1 - Intro to Philosophy -  Prof. David Dyas - email: david@daviddyas.com - how to login: http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/howto - Course link: http://www.coursecompass.com - Course id#: dyas82316  class zip code: 91342 - phone - (818) 364-7600 EXT 4213


0128 Philosophy 6- Logic in Practice - Prof. David Dyas - late start - 9/29/08 - 12 weeks - email: david@daviddyas.com - how to login: http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/howto - Course link: http://www.coursecompass.com - Course id#: dyas77064 class zip code: 91342 - phone - (818) 364-7600 EXT 4213

Required textbook- A First Course in Logic- Carter w/course compass access code


0308 Philosophy 6- Logic in Practice - Prof. David Dyas - late start - 9/29/08 - 12 weeks - email: david@daviddyas.com - how to login: http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/howto - Course link: http://www.coursecompass.com - Course id#: dyas77922 -  class zip code: 91342 - phone - (818) 364-7600 EXT 4213


0357 Philosophy 33 - Comparative Survey of World Religions - Prof. Doug McFerran - email: dmcf34@yahoo.com - phone - 818-364-7710 (at Mission College) - webpage: http://internetlogic.org

Political Science


0326 - Pol Sci  1 - The Government of the United States - Prof. Som Chounlamountry - email: chounlam@usc.edu - phone: 818-364-7600 Ext. 4149 - how to login to etudes ng - where to login: - http://etudes-ng.fhda.edu/portal


0327 - Pol Sci 1 - The Government of the United States - Prof. Syed Hussain - (late start 9/29/08- 12/19/2008) - Section #0327  Email: khaledhussain@hotmail.com

Faculty phone number- (818) 364-7600 EXT 4214 - Required textbook- Greenberg and Page, America's Democratic Republic.ISBN #978-0-536-43110-3 (2nd edition for LAMC)

email:   how to login to etudes ng - where to login: - http://etudes-ng.fhda.edu/portal


0350 - Pol 2 - Modern World Governments - Prof. Som Chounlamountry - email: chounlam@usc.edu - phone: 818-364-7600 Ext. 4149 - how to login to etudes ng -  textbook - Required: Draper, Alan and Ansil Ramsay.  The Good Society: An Introduction to Comparative Politics.  New York: Pearson 2008.  ISBN: 0321432177 - where to login: - http://etudes-ng.fhda.edu/portal



0145 - Psychology 1 - General Psychology -  Prof. Paul G. McKenna - Email: paul2317-psych1@yahoo.com  or mckennpg@lamission.edu   - Course link: www.coursecompass.com

Course id#:  mckenna27457  College zip code: 91342 - Faculty phone number: (818) 833-3594 - Required textbook: The World of Psychology 6/e, w/course compass access code-Wood, Wood and Boyd - ISBN: 020 554 2271 - course description 


0318 - Psychology 1 - General Psychology -  Prof. Chante Rogers - email: chante427@yahoo.com - phone: (818) 364-7600 ext 5146 - Course ID: rogers18387    class zip code: 91342 - Faculty phone number- (818) 364-7600 EXT 4156 - Required textbook- The World of Psychology 6/e, w/coursecompass access code-Wood, Wood and Boyd - ISBN: 020 554 2271 - how to login: http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/howto where to logiin: http://coursecompass.com



0101 Sociology 1 - Introduction to Sociology - Prof. Jill Biondo - email: jillb9191@yahoo.com - phone: 818-364-7600 - ext. 4212 - how to login: http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/howto - Required Textbook: Society in Focus with course compass access code - 6th edition - course ID: biondo36243  class zip code: 91342 - where to logn: http://coursecompass.comm


0102 Sociology 1 - Introduction to Sociology - 12 week class, starts 9/29/2008 - Prof. Virginia Layne - email: proflayne@yahoo.com - phone - 818-364-7600 ext. 4217 - course ID: layne67249 - class zip code: 91342 -  Required Textbook: Society in Focus with course compass access code - 6th edition  -  how to login: http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/howto where to login: http://coursecompass.com


0103 Sociology 1 - Introduction to Sociology  - Prof. Dominic Little - email: dominic.little@csun.edu - phone - (818) 677- 2052 - how to login: http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/howto - course ID: little26537  - class zip code: 91342 - Required Textbook: Society in Focus with course compass access code - 6th edition -  where to login: http://coursecompass.com


0336 Sociology 2 - American Social Problems - Prof. Jill Biondo - email: jillb9191@yahoo.com - phone: 818-364-7600 - ext. 4212 - how to login: http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/howto Required Textbook: Social Problems with course compass access code Henslin, James M., 8th eidtion. course ID:  biondo67493  class zip code: 91342 - where to logn: : http://coursecompass.comm


0348 Sociology 3 - Crime and Delinquency - Prof. Virginia Layne - email: proflayne@yahoo.com - phone - 818-364-7600 ext. 4217 - how to login: http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/howto - course link: http://webtutorsummer.blackboard.com - where to login: http://webtutorsummer.blackboard.comRequired Textbook: Criminology: The Core, 3rd editiion - Siegel w/WebTutor ISBN# 0495441392  


0341 Sociology 4 - Sociological Analysis - Prof. Dominic Little - email: dominic.little@csun.edu - phone - (818) 677- 2052 - how to login: http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/howto course ID: little35192 class zip code: 91342 - Required Textbook: Social Research Methods - Neuman - QLTV&QTV APPRH,6/E W/LAMC PKG - where to login: http://coursecompass.com


0342 Sociology 28 – The Family: A Sociological Approach Prof. Myriam Mekelburg - (818) 833-3414 - email: profmek@hotmail.com - Course ID: mekelburg57395 class zip code: 91342 - system: coursecompass - Soc 28 - Course Description - Required Textbook: -  Family Life Now: a conversation about marriages, families and relationships" with course compass code by Kelly J. Welch - ISBN






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