

Page history last edited by David Jordan 16 years, 6 months ago

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Session B - 7/14/08 to 8/15/08 - 5 weeks



0215 Business 001 - Introduction to Business - Prof. Vilma Bernal - (UC:CSU) 3 units - Starts 7/14/08, Ends 8/15/08 - system: Etudes NG - login - course description - syllabus - 0215-textbook - email: bernalva@lamission.edu phone: 818-833- 3410

Business Marketing

0242 - Marketing 21 - Principles of Marketing - (CSU) - 3 Units - Prof. Vilma Bernal - Starts 7/14/08, Ends 8/15/08 - system: Etudes NG - login - course description - syllabus - 0242-textbook - email: bernalva@lamission.edu phone: 818-833-3410

Chicano Studies

0157 - Chicano 2 - The Mexican American in Contemporary Society - Prof. Jose Maldonado - Starts 7/14/08,  Ends 8/15/08 - system: Moodle - login - course description - email: maldonja@lamission.edu phone: (818) 833-3412 - 

0159 Chicano 7  The Mexican American in the History of the United States I  - Prof. John Morales (UC:CSU) (3 Units) - starts 7/14/08, Ends 8/15/08. system: Moodle - login - course description - syllabus - email: profetk2@yahoo.com - phone: 818- 364-7679 - webpage: http://chicano-7.pbwiki.com/  

Chicano Studies

0803 Chicano 7 The Mexican-American in the History of the United States I - Prof. Jose Maldonado - (UC:CSU) (3 Units) - Starts 7/14/08, Ends 8/15/08 - system: Moodle - login - course description - syllabus - 0168-textbook - email: maldonja@lamission.edu phone: (818) 833-3412

Child Development

3005  - Child Development I  - Child Growth and Development - Prof. Julie Ruelas - 4:40 - 6:45 pm Thursday, CSB 102B & Internet - taught bilingually (English/Spanish) -  ruelasja@lamission.edu - starts 7/14/08, Ends 8/15/08 - phone: (818) 364-7670 portal: http://moodle.lamission.edu

Family and Consumer Studies

0804 - FCS 021 - Nutrition - Prof. Gayle Stafsky email: stafskgb@lacitycollege.edu -  login: etudes ng 


0123 History 11 Political and Social History of the United States I -  Ron Behling - behlingr@aol.com phone - 310-470-6041 - webpage - portal -  htto://coursecompass.com - starts 7/14/08, Ends 8/15/08 - how to login:http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/howto  - course ID - behling52153 canceled class

0124  History 12 - Political and Social History of the United States II - Prof. Richard Sennet - email: rsennet@hotmail.com - phone - 818-364-7600 Ext. 4394 (voicemail) - starts 7/14/08, Ends 8/15/08 - how to login: http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/howto   where to login: http://etudes-ng.fhda.edu


0191 - Law 1 - Businsss Law - (UC:CSU) - 3 units - starts 7/14/08, Ends 8/15/08 - Prof. Richard Walker - online - syllabus & textbook - http://profj.us/syllabus/law1.htm - moodle - http://moodle.lamission.edu - wiki: http://classwikis.pbwiki.com

0240 - Law 1 - Businsss Law - (UC:CSU) - 3 units - Starts starts 7/14/08, Ends 8/15/08 - Prof. Valerie Lopez - email: valerieslopez@yahoo.com - phone - 310-382-4712 - online - syllabus & textbook - http://profj.us/syllabus/law1.htm - moodle - http://moodle.lamission.edu - wiki: http://classwikis.pbwiki.com

0165 - Law 10 - Intro to Legal Assisting - 3 units - starts 7/14/08, Ends 8/15/08 - Prof. Jonathan Jackman - http://lamission.edu/law/jackman - syllabus and textbook - http://profj.us/syllabus/law10.htm - moodle - http://moodle.lamission.edu - website: http://classwikis.pbwiki.com

0169 - Law 12 - Torts - 3 units - starts 7/14/08, Ends 8/15/08 - Prof. Adam Telanoff proftelanoff@yahoo.com - (310)-915-0815 - syllabus and textbook - http://profj.us/syllabus/law12.htm - moodle - http://moodle.lamission.edu - website: http://classwikis.pbwiki.com

0174 - Law 16 - Civil and Criminal Evidence - 3 units - Starts starts 7/14/08, Ends 8/15/08- Prof. Manny Rose - legaleagle53@hotmail.com - 818-384-4467 - online - syllabus and textbook - http://profj.us/syllabus/law16.htm - moodle - http://moodle.lamission.edu - website: http://classwikis.pbwiki.com

0199 - Law 17 - Legal Writing - 3 units - starts 7/14/08, Ends 8/15/08 - Prof. David Jordan - abogado@pacbell.net - 818-415-2015 fax 866-371-5519 - online - syllabus and textbook - http://profj.us/syllabus/law17.htm - moodle - http://moodle.lamission.edu - - website: http://classwikis.pbwiki.com

0161 - Law 34 - Legal Research Laboratory - 3 units - starts 7/14/08, Ends 8/15/08 - Prof. David Jordan - abogado@pacbell.net - 818-415-205 - online - syllabus and textbook - http://profj.us/syllabus/law34.htm - moodle - http://moodle.lamission.edu - website: http://classwikis.pbwiki.com


0176  - Philosphy 6 - Logic in Practice - 3 units - UC:CSU - Starts 6/09/08, Ends 7/11/08 - course id = dyas66873 sip code: 91342 - see course compass - Prerequisite - none - Prof. David Dyas - email: david@daviddyas.com - phone - (818) 364-7600 EXT 4213

Political Science

0140 - Pol Sci 1 - The Government of the United States - (UC:CSU) - 3 units - Prof. Som Chounlamountry - Starts starts 7/14/08, Ends 8/15/08 - system: Etudes NG - login - course description - syllabus - 0241-textbook - email: mailto: chounlam@usc.edu - wiki: http://chounlam.pbwiki.com/ - phone - 818-36407600 - Ext. 4149


0145 - Psych 1 - - General Psychology I - (UC:CSU) - 3 units - Prof. Paul McKenna - starts 7/14/08, Ends 8/15/08 - Class ID - mckenna47473 - zip code - 91342 - coursecompass - course description - syllabus - textbook: The World of Psychology w/psych lab access code- ISBN- 0205542271 - email: mckennpg@lamission.edu  - phone: (818) 833-3593


0148 - Soc 1 - Intro to Sociology - (UC:CSU) - 3 units - Starts 7/14/08, Ends 8/15/08 - Prof. Virginia Layne - Class ID: layne49924 - class zip code - 91342 - system: coursecompass - course description - syllabus - textbook: Society in Focus 5th Ed - w/soc lab access code - ISBN 0205531474 - email: proflayne@yahoo.com818-364-7600 ext. 4217 

0152 - Soc 1 - Intro to Sociology - 3 units - starts 7/14/08, Ends 8/15/08 - Prof. Jill Biondo - Class ID: biondo72421 - class zip code - 91342 - system: coursecompass - course description - syllabus - textbook: Society in Focus 5th Ed - w/soc lab access code - ISBN 0205531474 - email: jillb9191@yahoo.com - (818) 364-7600 EXT 4212

0206  Sociology 2 - American Social Problems - 3 units - starts 7/14/08, Ends 8/15/08 - Prof. Jill Biondo - email: jillb9191@yahoo.com - phone: 818-364-7600 - ext. 4212 - how to login: http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/howto course ID: biondo71717 - where to logn: : http://coursecompass.comm

0207 - Soc 4 - Sociological Analysis - (UC:CSU) - 3 units - starts 7/14/08, Ends 8/15/08 - Prof. Dominique Little - Class ID: little82519 - Class Zip Code: 91342 - system: coursecompass - course description - syllabus - 0208-textbook - email: dominic.little@csun.edu phone: 818-677-2057

Session A - 6/09/08 to 7/11/08 - 5 weeks


0181 - Biology 33 - Medical Terminology  - Medical terms related to the structure and function of the human body in health and disease. Ideal for Allied Health students.  8 week class starts 6/09/08 to 8/01/08 - Prof.  Wakana Saeki, M.D. – Tel. 818-364-7744 – email: saekiw@lamission.edu – webpage: http://www.lamission.edu/lifesciences/saeki - ** please note** - a mid-term and final will be administered on campus, and students are required to take the mid-term and final on campus only. date available in the syllabus. PORTAL - http://etudes-ng.fhda.edu/portal


3018 Business 1 Introduction to Business - Prof. Vilma Bernal - (UC:CSU) 3 units - Starts 6/09/08, Ends 7/11/08 - system: Etudes NG - login - course description - syllabus - 3018-textbook - email: bernalva@lamission.edu phone: 818-833- 3410 - hybrid: classes on campus: M/W 4:45 pm -7:10 pm CSB 205 - website - http://lamission.edu/business/bernal

Business Management

3101 Management 13 Small Business Management - Prof. Vilma Bernal - (CSU) 3 units - Starts 6/9/08, Ends 7/11/08 - system: Etudes NG - login - course description - syllabus - 3101-textbook - email: bernalva@lamission.edu phone: 818-833- 3410 - hybrid: classes on campus - M/W 7:30 pm - 9:55 pm CSB 207 - website - http://lamission.edu/business/bernal

Chicano Studies

0168 Chicano 7 The Mexican-American in the History of the United States I - Prof. Jose Maldonado - (UC:CSU) (3 Units) - Starts 6/09/08, Ends 7/11/08 - system: Moodle - login - course description - syllabus - 0168-textbook - email: maldonja@lamission.edu phone: (818) 833-3412

0802 Chicano 7 - The Mexican-American in the History of the United States I - Prof. Edgar Gutierrez - (UC:CSU) (3 Units) - gutiereo@lamission.edu - 562-201-9664 system: Moodle - how to login: http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/howto - http://moodle.lamission.edu

0101 Chicano Studies 8 The Mexican-American in the History of the United States II - Prof. John Morales - 818- 364-7679 - moralejj@lamission.edu - Starts 6/09/08 - Ends 7/11/08 - login to class: moodle -  how to login: http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/howto

0173 Chicano 37 Chicano Literature - Prof. Jose Maldonado - Starts 6/09/08, Ends 7/11/08 - system: Moodle - login - course description - syllabus - textbook - email: maldonja@lamission.edu phone: (818) 833-3412 - website: http://chicanostudies37.pbwiki.com/


6591 English 28 - Prof. Noreen Lacy - NLace83877@aol.com - Class ID# TBA - system: http://coursecompass.com - hybrid class - meets on Saturdays - Bridge - 6/14, 6/28, 7/19,8/02,8/09 Final Exams - starts 6/09/08, ends 8/09/08 - 9 weeks - Campus Center 5 - Summer Orientation June 7th, Saturday, 9-11 am.

Family and Consumer Studies

0185 - Nutrition 21 - Prof. Fay Epps - email: professor_epps@live.com - online - starts 6/09, ends 7/11/08

Food Service Management

0184 FSMGMT 50 - Sanitation and Safety - Prof. Kurt Struwe - (CSU) 3 units - Starts 6/09/08, Ends 7/11/08 - system: Etudes NG - login - course description - syllabus - 0184-textbook - email: kurtstruwe@sbcglobal.net - phone 310-570-0711

0154 FSMGT 100 - Introduction to the Hospitality Industry - Prof. Kurt Struwe - Starts 6/09/08 , ends 7/11/08 - system: Etudes NG - login - course description - syllabus - textbook - email: kurtstruwe@sbcglobal.net - phone 310-570-0711 - Advisory: FCS 20,21,50.


0103 - History 11 - Political and Social History of the United States I - Prof. Andrew Cramer - 818-364-7600 ext. 4175 - acramer1969@yahoo.com - Starts 6/09/08 , ends 7/11/08 - course ID: cramer71048  Zip Code: 91342 PORTAL:  coursecompass

7840 - History 11 - Political and Social History of the United States I - Prof. Andrew Cramer - 818-364-7600 ext. 4175 - acramer1969@yahoo.com - Starts 6/09/08 , ends 7/11/08 -  course ID: cramer91439    Zip Code: 91342 PORTAL:  coursecompass

0104 - History 11 - Political and Social History of the United States I - Prof. Richard Sennet - email: rsennet@hotmail.com - phone - 818-364-7600 Ext. 4394 (voicemail) - Starts 6/09/08 , ends 7/11/08 - how to login: http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/howto   where to login: http://etudes-ng.fhda.edu


0127 - Law 1 - Business Law 1 - Contracts - (UC:CSU) - 3 units - Starts 6/09/08, Ends 7/11/08 - Prof. Carol Kellogg - profcekellogg@gmail.com - 818-843-6890 - online - syllabus & textbook - http://profj.us/syllabus/law1.htm - moodle - http://moodle.lamission.edu - how to login: http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/howto  - wiki: http://classwikis.pbwiki.com

0167 - Law 2 - Partnerships and Corporations - (UC:CSU) - 3 units - Starts 6/09/08, Ends 7/11/08 - Prof. Barry Morinaka - bsmlaw10@hotmail.com - 818-951-0357 - fax 213-624-8695 -online - syllabus and textbook - http://profj.us/syllabus/law2.htm - moodle - http://moodle.lamission.edu - how to login: http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/howto  - wiki: http://classwikis.pbwiki.com

0107 - Law 11 - Civil Litigation - (CSU) - 3 units - Starts 6/09/08, Ends 7/11/08 - Prof. David Jordan - abogado@pacbell.net - 818-415-2015 fax - 866-371-5519 - online - syllabus and textbook - http://profj.us/syllabus/law11.htm - moodle - http://moodle.lamission.edu - how to login: http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/howto  - wiki: http://classwikis.pbwiki.com

0170 - Law 19 - Property and Creditors Rights - 3 units - Starts 6/09/08, Ends 7/11/08 - Prof. David Jordan - abogado@pacbell.net - 818-415-2015 fax 866-371-5519 - online - syllabus and textbook - http://profj.us/syllabus/law19.htm - moodle - http://moodle.lamission.eduhow to login: http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/howto  - wiki: http://classwikis.pbwiki.com

0128 - Law 20 - Basic Probate Procedures - 3 units - Starts 6/09/08, Ends 7/11/08 - Prof. Elise Lampert - profelise@sbcglobal.net - 818-905-0601 fax 818-385-0367 - online - syllabus and textbook - http://profj.us/syllabus/law20.htm - moodle - http://moodle.lamission.edu - how to login: http://missiononline.pbwiki.com/howto  - wiki: http://classwikis.pbwiki.com


0146  - Philosophy 1 - Introduction to Philosopy - 3 units - UC:CSU - Starts 6/09/08, Ends 7/11/08 - course id = dyas54786 - see course compass - Prerequisite - none - Prof. David Dyas - email: david@daviddyas.com - phone - (818) 364-7600 EXT 4213 

0234  - Philosophy 6Logic in Practice - 3 units - UC:CSU - Starts 6/09/08, Ends 7/11/08 - course id = dyas90868 - see course compass - Prerequisite - none - Prof. David Dyas - email: david@daviddyas.com - phone - (818) 364-7600 EXT 4213

Political Science

0241 - Pol Sci 1 - The Government of the United States - (UC:CSU) - 3 units - Prof. Som Chounlamountry - Starts starts 6/09/08, Ends 7/11/08 - system: Etudes NG - login - course description - syllabus - 0241-textbook - email: mailto: chounlam@usc.edu - wiki: http://chounlam.pbwiki.com/ - phone - 818-36407600 - Ext. 4149

7846 - Pol Sci 1 - The Government of the United States - (UC:CSU) - 3 units - Prof. Som Chounlamountry - Starts starts 6/09/08, Ends 7/11/08 - system: Etudes NG - login - course description - syllabus - 0241-textbook - email: mailto: chounlam@usc.edu - wiki: http://chounlam.pbwiki.com/ - phone - 818-36407600 - Ext. 4149


0144 - General Psychology 1 - (UC:CSU) - 3 units - Prof. Chante Rogers - Starts 6/09/08, Ends 7/11/08 - Class ID - rogers54095 -  zip code - 91342 - coursecompass - course description - syllabus - textbook: The World of Psychology w/psych lab access code- ISBN- 0205542271 - email: chante427@yahoo.com - phone: (818) 364-7600 ext 5146

0801 - General Psychology 1 - (UC:CSU) - 3 units - Prof. Chante Rogers - Starts 6/09/08, Ends 7/11/08 - Class ID - rogers54095 -  zip code - 91342 - coursecompass - course description - syllabus - textbook: The World of Psychology w/psych lab access code- ISBN- 0205542271 - email: chante427@yahoo.com - phone: (818) 364-7600 ext 5146

7841 - General Psychology 1 - (UC:CSU) - 3 units - Prof. Chante Rogers - Starts 6/09/08, Ends 7/11/08 - Class ID - rogers36593 -  zip code - 91342 - coursecompass - course description - syllabus - textbook: The World of Psychology w/psych lab access code- ISBN- 0205542271 - email: chante427@yahoo.com - phone: (818) 364-7600 ext 5146


0109 - Soc 1 - Intro to Sociology - (UC:CSU) - 3 units - Starts 6/09/08, Ends 7/11/08 - Prof. Virginia Layne - Class ID: layne37474 - class zip code - 91342 - system: coursecompass - course description - syllabus - textbook: Society in Focus 5th Ed - w/soc lab access code - ISBN 0205531474 - email: proflayne@yahoo.com818-364-7600 ext. 4217

0163 - Soc 1 - Intro to Sociology - (UC:CSU) - 3 units - Starts 6/09/08, Ends 7/11/08 - Prof. Myriam Mekelburg - (818) 833-3414 - email: profmek@hotmail.com - Class ID: mekelburg76565 class zip code: 91342 - system: coursecompass - course description - syllabus - textbook: Society in Focus 5th Ed. - w/soc lab access code - ISBN 0205531474

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